Saturday, December 25, 2010

2011 Forecast for the Rabbit

The Typical Characteristics of Rabbit

Cuddly, warm and affectionate are the attributes of the Rabbit. Mysterious and a great party-giver and host, the Rabbit enjoys being the centre of attention once in a while. The Rabbit is occasionally over cautious and can be a bit boring. He is also one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese Astrology chart.

Forecast for 2011

The Rabbit will have found the momentum during 2010 quite unsettling, little realizing that his accomplishments during the year will set him up beautifully for his own year in 2011. This will be a stunning and most favorable year for him, especially in regard to work and career. His ability to interact with others will put him in the lead for any promotions at work. Also, if the Rabbit is considering a completely different career, this is the perfect time to explore his options. Not only will the change energize him but he will feel happier than he has done in some time. March to May and October to November will be important times for career developments. Finances during the Rabbit’s own year are buzzing, with his luck running high! He may see a salary increase, receive a gift or make extra money from a hobby or entrepreneurial idea. Socially, August, September and December will be hectic! Single Rabbits could meet their significant other this year and the relationship could move very fast. Those with partners will find their relationship becomes more serious and important. Stress and worry over decisions may drain the Rabbit’s vitality during 2011 and it’s very important he gets enough rest and relaxation. He must also remember to call on friends and loved ones for support and advice during any challenging times.

Interesting Rabbit Facts:

Zodiac Stone: Pearl
Special Flower: Jonquil
Best Hours: 5-7 am
Season: Spring
Horoscope Colors: Grey, White


Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Lights by Coldplay

"Those Christmas lights
Light up the street
Down where the sea and city meet
May all your troubles soon be gone
Oh Christmas lights, keep shining on"