Sunday, August 17, 2008


In his Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT), Howard Gardner posits that there are 8 intelligence areas. These areas are as follows:

A person in this category:
excels in reading, writing, telling stories, memorizing dates, thinking in words;
prefers to read, write, talk, memorize, work at puzzles; and
learns best through reading, hearing and seeing words, speaking, writing, discussing and debating.

An individual with this intelligence:
excels in math, reasoning, logic, problem-solving, patterns;
prefers to solve problems, question, work with numbers, experiment; and
learns best through working with patterns and relationships, classifying, categorizing, working with the abstract.

A person with strong visual-spatial intelligence:
excels in reading, maps, charts, drawing, mazes, puzzles, imaging things, visualization;
prefers to design, draw, build, create, daydream, look at pictures; and
learns best through working with pictures and colors, visualizing, drawing.

A person in this category:
excels inathletics, dancing, acting, crafts, using tools;
prefers to move around, touch and talk, body language; and
learns best through touching, moving, processing knowledge through bodily sensations.

An individual with a high level of musical intelligence:
excels in singing, picking up sounds, remembering melodies, rhythms;
prefers to sing, hum, play an instrument, listen to music; and
learns best through rhythm, melody, singing, listening to music and melodies.

A person in this category:
excels in understanding people, leading, organizing, communicating, resolving conflicts, selling;
prefers to have friends, talk to people, join groups; and
learns best through sharing, comparing, relating, interviewing, cooperating.

A person who is strongest in this intelligence:
excels in understanding self, recognizing strengths and weaknesses, setting goals;
prefers to work alone, reflect, pursue interests; and
learns best through working alone, doing self-paced projects, having space, reflecting.

An individual who:
excels in understanding nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and fauna;
prefers to be involved with nature, make distinctions; and
learns best through working in nature, exploring things, learning about plants and natural events.

The Internet teems with tests that determine which one of these eight intelligences is predominant to you. Determine your top three intelligences here.

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