Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On Numbers and Mathematics

What will happen if one spends his time mostly on numbers and mathematics? One blogger pondered on that question and crafted this poem.

Too Much Numbers

by A. D. Darilay

if one person has been into too much numbers and mathematics, will he eventually lose all his words?

will his tenses become so terse and tight like the number one?

will his alliteration be lost in the logic of logarithms and be buried in the busy binary system?

will his metaphors fall like a hungry house sparrow gone astray in the forest; as abandoned as a boy inside the cartesian plane?

will his paragraphs lose their commas and periods, seemingly reaching their happy endings but turn into asymptotic narrative?

will his vocabulary shrink into one over infinity?

will his luck of hitting the bestseller become the probability of winning a 6/49 lotto?


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